I know everyone is busy with all things during the holiday season however, would you pause a moment and consider nominating someone for the GCKY Enrichment Award? The deadline of December 15th is quickly approaching. Do you have someone in your community that contributes to the care and love of our environment, gives their time generously to make our communities a better place to live and raise your family? Look around, is there a beautiful place in your neighborhood that someone created out of the goodness of their heart? This person or organization would be the perfect candidate for our Enrichment Award. Please consider making a nomination today and rewarding that someone with the recognition they deserve. The recipient shall be an individual or organization making a meritorious contribution in our Commonwealth by furthering, in an outstanding manner, one or more objectives of GCKY and is not a garden club member.
Remember, you can’t win if you don’t apply.
Sharon Burcham, grannyburcham@yahoo.com
1st Vice President GCKY, Enrichment Award Chairman